Newark Campus

Climate Action Group


The Newark Climate Action Group will build and promote a culture of sustainability at Rutgers Newark.
Rutgers Newark


Distinguished Service Professor, SAS-N
Alexander Gates

Francisco Artigas, Director, Meadowlands Environmental Research Institute
Jimmy Camacho, Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs and Graduate Enrollment Services, School of Criminal Justice, RU-N
Kevin Dowlin, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Teaching and Learning Spaces, RU-N
Candace Dundas, Director of Human Resources, RU-N
Hend El Buri, Director, PantryRUN, RU-N
Nicole Hewitt-Cabral, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Newark
Daniel La Fuente, Director, ResLife, RU-N
Crystal Lopez, Associate Vice Chancellor, RU-N
Kevin Lyons, Associate Professor of Practice, Rutgers Business School, RU-N
Bill McCarthy, Dean and Undergraduate Program Chair, School of Criminal Justice, RU-N
Nicole Miller, Head of the Newark Green Team
Melissa Rivera, Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, Rutgers Business School, RU-N
Ashaki Rouff, Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Science, School of Arts and Sciences, RU-N
Alejandro Ruiz, Executive Director, Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety
Elisabeth Ševčenko, Director, Humanities Action Lab, School of Arts and Sciences, RU-N
Tony Sharo, Newark Associate Director, IP&O
Jack Tchen, Director, Clement A. Price Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience, RU-N
Clayton Walton, Director, Office of Global Initiatives and Experiential Learning, RU-N
Kimberlee Williams, Director of Communications and Marketing, RU-N
Halyn Xheraj, Undergraduate Student, Department of Psychology; Member, Office of Climate Action Student Advisory Board
Suah Yekeh, Graduate Student, Department of Earth & Environmental Science, RU-N; Member, Office of Climate Action Student Advisory Board

Rutgers Newark


  • Build a culture of sustainability at Rutgers Newark that:
    • Integrates climate action into academics, life, and policy across campus
    • Embodies the core values expressed in the climate action plan
    • Is inclusive of all RBHS students, faculty, and staff
  • Measure and communicate progress toward building a culture of sustainability at Rutgers Newark