Committed to supporting the Rutgers Community as we work towards a more just, sustainable, and resilient future for the planet and all of its residents.
Livingston Solar Farm
Committed to supporting the Rutgers community as we work towards a more just, sustainable, and resilient future for the planet and all of its residents.


***The 2025 Green Jobs Fair has been postponed.***
Solar Panels

Rutgers has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2040 and carbon-negative -- removing more greenhouse gases than we are putting into the atmosphere -- no later than the university's 275th anniversary in 2041. Monitoring and reporting Rutgers’ energy use is a key step in ensuring that we are on track to meeting this goal. This dashboard is the first in a series of sustainability dashboards that will be developed and illustrates the progress made by the Energy & Buildings Climate Action Group.

In addition to tracking our progress to goal, we invite Rutgers community members to download and use these data as research and learning tools.

Explore the Dashboard Here

Green Jobs Ad

Rutgers Green Jobs Fair

Monday, March 25, 2024 | 12:00 - 4:00pm
College Ave Student Center MPR

Join us for the Rutgers Green Jobs Fair — an interdisciplinary career fair featuring job and internship opportunities related to sustainability, the environment, and climate action.

This event is open to employers from all sectors and Rutgers University students and alumni from all academic disciplines and campuses. Free pizza and refreshments will be available.

Learn More & Register

Climate Action at Rutgers

Core Values

recycle sign

Climate Justice

Address legacies of inequality, ensuring processes and outcomes prioritize historically disadvantaged groups and minimize barriers to self-determination for all community members.

Civic Responsibility

Be of service in all communities to which Rutgers claims membership by building internal, local, national, and global partnerships based in mutual respect and trust.

Actionable Scholarship

Integrate Rutgers' operational and academic strengths to achieve our climate goals and use our campuses as living laboratories to innovate, test, and communicate climate solutions.

OCA News & Events

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