
Primary Climate Action Goals

Goal 1: Carbon Neutral by

Become carbon neutral by 2040 and carbon-negative -- removing more greenhouse gases than we are putting into the atmosphere -- no later than the university's 275th anniversary in 2041.

Goal 2: Just Equitable Adapation

Work across campus and engage with our host communities to establish comprehensive plans for just and equitable climate adaptation.

Goal 3: Culture of Sustainability

Build a culture of sustainability that integrates climate action into academic research, teaching, outreach, engagement, campus life, and university policy across Rutgers' campuses.
In service of these long-term goals, the co-chairs of the Climate Action Groups (CAGs) and the Rutgers Executive Vice Presidents co-developed the following university-wide priorities for the 2023-24 academic year. To learn more about CAG-specific goals, explore the Climate Action Groups.